- Fix issue that v1 player is not working correctly
- 修復 v1 播放器無法正常運作的問題
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 253
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Be able to resume watching video from where you left off
- Be able to display next video and count down when video ends
- Add replay button after video ends
- 已觀看過的影片,會從上次的播放進度繼續
- 影片結束後,會顯示下部影片的預覽
- 影片結束後,會顯示重新播放按鈕,方便重新播放
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 252
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Fix issue that it was working correctly.
- Fix issue that caption appears automatically.
- 更新 :
- 修復無法使用的情況 😅
- 修復字幕自動出現的問題
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 249
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Minor update and optimize for performance.
- 更新 :
- 微調並優化效能
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 247
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Minor update and optimize for performance.
- 更新 :
- 微調並優化效能
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 245
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Fix and optimize playlist
- It’s now able to read playlist correctly.
- It’s now able to play video directly and read the playlist in background.
- 更新 :
- 修復與優化播放清單
- 能夠正確讀取播放清單
- 點擊播放後,可直接播放影片,並於背景讀取播放清單
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 244
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Video will continue to play from the same progress after reloading.
- Adjust video controls position to prevent unexpected touching.
- Adjust upgrade to pro pricing to encourage upgrade to pro earlier.
- Original price to upgrade: $19.99 USD
- Upgrade in 24 hours: $1.99 USD
- 更新 :
- 影片重新整理後,會從原播放進度繼續
- 調整播放控制的位置,避免誤觸
- 調整升級價錢,以更合理的方式鼓勵提早升級
- 升級原價 $19.99 USD
- 24小時內升級,只要 $1.99 USD
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 240
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Be able to display playlist loading error.
- Fix issue that it’s not able to read playlist and watch later.
- Add clear playlist button
- Enlarge fullscreen button
- 更新 :
- 能夠顯示播放清單讀取錯誤
- 修復無法讀取播放清單的問題
- 修復無法播放稍後觀看的問題
- 新增清除播放清單按鈕
- 放大全螢幕按鈕
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 239
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Fix issue that watch later can only play the first video.
- 更新 :
- 修復稍後觀看只能播放第一部影片的問題
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 238
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Fix issue that watch later tab doesn’t work.
- Show loading when reading playlist.
- 更新 :
- 修復稍後觀看無法點擊的問題
- 讀取播放清單時,加入讀取中提示
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 234
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Be able to support playlist from following sources:
- YouTube Playlist
- YouTube Mix
- YouTube Music
- Spotify
- Copy url of your playlist and paste it on address bar!
- Fix issue that it didn’t follow the order of videos in the playlist.
- 更新 :
- 支援以下來源的播放清單
- YouTube Playlist
- YouTube Mix
- YouTube Music
- Spotify
- 複製播放清單的網址,並於網址列貼上即可!
- 修復 YouTube 播放清單會跳回第一首的問題

- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 232
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Be able to play music without ads from Spotify and YouTube Music !
- This feature is still in beta, please enable it in settings.
- It’s still under development. So there will be updates and bug fixes in the future.
- Please give it a try and feedbacks are welcome, thanks!
- 更新 :
- 支援無廣告模式,播放來自 Spotify, YouTube Music 的音樂!
- 此功能目前為 beta 版本,可從設定中開啟使用
- 目前仍須微調,會陸續更新並修復臭蟲
- 歡迎試用並提供意見

- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 231
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Be able to play a playlist from Spotify by pasting url of a Spotify playlist.
- Try it!
- 更新 :
- 支援 Spotify 播放清單,點選網址列的貼上按鈕,您將可以播放來自 Spotify 的播放清單
- 試試!

- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 230
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Thanks for keep using the app. We are still working hard to improve, fix bugs and prepare to launch new exciting features.
- Recent updates:
- Fix many issues and improve performance.
- Optimize the update on air experience.
- Testing Tube Match which can be enabled manually in the settings.
- 感謝大家的持續使用,我們仍然努力更新、修復臭蟲,並準備推出有趣的新功能唷
- 更新 :
- 修復多個臭蟲
- 優化更新體驗
- 測試 Tube Match 功能,須透過設定開啟
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 229
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Fix many issues and improve performance.
- 更新 :
- 修復多個臭蟲
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 206
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Fix issue on Chromecast. It’s able to play on Chromecast now!
- Fix issue that it’s not able to play restricted videos.
- 更新 :
- 修復 Chromecast 無法正常播放的問題
- 修復無法播放限制影片的問題
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 152
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Fix issue that next track is not working.
- Be able to memorize playback speed.
- 更新 :
- 修復無法播放下ㄧ首的問題
- 自動記憶播放速
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 150
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Add Play List
- Support shuffle, previous track and next track. Coming soon for sharing the play list, history.
- Tap YouTube Mix, a play list is created automatically for you.
- Tap Radio Button on video page, a play list with similar videos is created for you!
- Tap Radio Button on home page, a play list with recommended videos is created for you!
- Tap video on Tube Match page, a play list with 50 personalized music is created for you! No idea what to listen ? Just one tap to enjoy the personalized music!
- 更新 :
- 新增播放清單
- 支援隨機播放、上一首、下一首,未來將支援分享、歷史記錄等功能
- 點選 YouTube Mix,自動建立播放清單
- 影片頁點選 Radio Button,自動推薦相似影片至播放清單
- 首頁點選 Radio Button,自動推薦個人化音樂至播放清單
- Tube Match 頁點擊影片,自動推薦 50 首個人化音樂,不知道想聽什麼音樂?讓我們放給你聽!

- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 145
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com

- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 136
- If any issue, contact us here:
- Recent updates:
- Fix flashing issue when entering video page.
- 更新 :
- 修復進入影片頁時,畫面會閃動問題
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 132
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Update video quality settings. Set default quality to the HD. It’s adaptive bit rate, so it will adapt itself to the best quality depending on bandwidth.
- Add video quality options. High, medium and data saver.
- Be able to remember video quality selection.
- Tube Match
- Be able to swipe between main screen and Tube Match screen.
- 更新 :
- 更新畫質設定,調整預設畫質為 HD,並且會根據網路頻寬,自動調整至最佳畫質
- 新增高、中、低畫質選項
- 可自動記憶畫質選項
- Tube Match
- 可透過 Swipe 手勢切換主畫面與 Tube Match
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 130
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Update styles for dark mode and light mode.
- Update browsing flow. It’s now able to open channel and other pages in a new tab.
- Be able to display progress bar on bottom player.
- Update usage of pasteboard. Only use it for the first time opening app for reading invitation code.
- Improve process of inviting friends to upgrade for free
- Introduce a new experimental feature, Tube Match. It’s still under fast development and can be turn on in the settings.
- Tube Match is a new service for making cool friends with music.
- Friends making feature will be available soon!
- 更新 :
- 調整深色與淺色樣式
- 調整瀏覽模式,點擊 Channel 與其他頁面會在新分頁中開啟
- 置底播放器可顯示播放進度
- 調整剪貼簿使用,僅用於第一次開啟 App 時,讀取剪貼簿中的邀請碼
- 優化好友邀請流程
- 新增實驗性功能 Tube Match,可於設定中開啟
- Tube Match 是一個透過音樂認識酷朋友的新服務
- 認識新朋友的功能將於近期上線!
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 123
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Fix delay issue when double tapping on Player v2.
- 更新 :
- 修復 Player v2 雙點擊前進後退時,會有延遲的現象。
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 97
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Be able to remember watch progress and see the progress in history. When starting from history, it will resume playing from where you left off.
- 更新 :
- 新增記錄播放進度功能,播放進度會自動記住,並且在歷史記錄中可以看到。從歷史記錄中點擊影片,可以回復上次的播放進度
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 96
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Add new video player. Easier to tap, play / pause button in the middle, fullscreen button.
- Video player v2 is still under development. You can test it by selecting Tube Pro Player V2 manually in the settings.
- Remove beta version in the settings.
- 更新 :
- 加入新版播放器,更好的點擊、播放與暫停按鈕置中、全螢幕按鈕
- 新版播放器目前測試中,需由設定中選擇 Tube Pro Player V2
- 移除 beta 版本設定
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 92
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Fix playing on Chromecast issue. It’s now able to play on Chromecast again.
- Update detail styles. Change dark mode background color from #000 to #1a1b1e
- Fix in app browser toolbar issue. The background color didn’t change with theme.
- 更新 :
- 修復無法在 Chromecast 上投放的問題
- 調整細微樣式,背景深色模式色碼由 #000 調整成 #1a1b1e
- 修復 In App Browser 工具列,顏色未跟著深色、淺色模式調整的問題
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 9
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Support dark mode and light mode.
- Fix issue that Tab Bar in the home page disappears some time.
- FIx multiple detail styles and improve overall performance.
- 更新 :
- 支援深色模式與淺色模式
- 修復首頁 Tab Bar 偶爾會消失的問題
- 修復多處細微樣式與提升整體效能

- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 8.7
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Hide home indicator automatically while playing in full screen.
- 更新 :
- 全螢幕播放時,自動隱藏 Home Indicator
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 8.4
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Fix issue that radio button is not working properly.
- 更新 :
- 修復 Radio 按鈕無法正常運作的問題
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 8.3
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Fix issue that it’s not able to delete search history.
- Fix issue that it’s not able to play live video on iPad.
- 更新 :
- 修復無法刪除歷史記錄的問題
- 修復 iPad 版本無法播放直播影片的問題
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 8.2
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Remove “Tap to Play / Pause”. This feature will be release in the future.
- Fix issue that some videos can be played correctly.
- 更新 :
- 移除 “點擊影片可暫停 / 播放”,此功能會在未來更加完善後再次推出
- 修復部分影片無法正確播放的問題
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 8.0
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Be able to play at specific time
- 更新 :
- 支援播放進度跳轉到指定時間

- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 7.9
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Fix issue that bottom tab is covered by mini video screen. It can be displayed normall right now. 😂
- 更新 :
- 修復主畫面頁籤被擋住的問題,現在可以正常顯示了 😂
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 7.7
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Remove bottom bar in main screen and video screen
- Fix issue that it’s not able to play live video
- Update styles
- 更新 :
- 移除主畫面與影片頁底部工具列
- 修復直播影片無法播放的問題
- 調整細微樣式
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 7.5
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Be able to toggle pause / play by tapping video
- Update loading style
- Update screen transition direction to horizontal
- Update default video quality to 720p and be able to support Adaptive Bit Rate
- 更新 :
- 點擊影片可暫停 / 播放
- 調整讀取中的樣式
- 調整過場動畫方向至橫向
- 調整預設影片畫質至 720P 並支援自動調整畫質
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 7.4
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Fix issue that caption is not displayed properly.
- 更新 :
- 修復無法顯示字幕的問題
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 7.3
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Radio mode - Just listen! A personalized mix based on your interested is provided just for you. No need to think anymore. Just listen!
- Radio mode from a starting video - Some times you want to listen to music more like this. Now you can start radio mode from any video!
- 更新 :
- Radio mode - 隨點即播! 根據您的喜好,提供您個性化的音樂點播,不知道要聽什麼嗎?聽就對了 !
- Radio mode from a starting video - 想聽更多類似的曲目嗎?您現在可以從任何影片中開啟 radio mode,隨點即播,再也不怕找不到好音樂 !
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 6.9
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com

- Thanks for trying out Tube Pro. If there is any non-perfect translation in any languages, please help us to fix it. Here is the translation we are using. 🙇♂️
- Recent updates:
- Be able to sync Tube Browser Pro history with YouTube history! Now you can see your watching history in YouTube! In the mean time, you won't see videos you've watched!
- Update languages for Japanese thanks to @f8_f88888
- 更新 :
- 可同步觀看紀錄至 YouTube ! 您現在可以在 YouTube 上,查看到您在 App 的觀看紀錄了! 同時,您也將不會再看到您曾經觀看過的影片了!
- 更新日文語系文字,感謝網友 @f8_f88888 提供
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 6.8
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Add video looping. You can now turn on loop option to repeat the same video.
- 更新 :
- 新增單曲循環功能,您現在可以透過打開單曲循環選項來重複播放。
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 6.7
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Be able to display captions and multiple captions! You can learn languages with multiple captions!
- 更新 :
- 新增字幕顯示,並加入多字幕顯示功能。現在你可以透過多字幕來學習語言!
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 6.5
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com

- Recent updates:
- Fix issue that the player stops playing when auto playing next video. Sorry for inconvenience !
- Add toolbar to both main page and video page. So it's easier to navigate between previous and next videos!
- 更新 :
- 修復無法自動播放下一部影片的問題
- 加入工具列,可以更方便的在前一部與下一部影片間切換 !
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 6.0
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Recent updates:
- Sorry for not able to load video. It's been fixed and you can now open video very fast.
- Add pull down to refresh gesture. So you can pull down to refresh in both main page and video page.
- Fix crashing issue when the app is in the background for a long time.
- Move buy us a coffee button into action sheet.
- Fix higher quality videos issue.
- 近期更新:
- 修復影片無法讀取的問題,並且現在可以更快的開啟影片!
- 加入下拉更新的功能,您可以在主畫面和影片頁使用這個手勢
- 修復 app 在背景播放一陣子後,會閃退的問題
- 調整贊助我們一杯咖啡的顯示位置
- 修復高畫質影片的問題
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 5.0
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/ ( primary contact, respond faster )
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com
- Thanks for loving this app. We've been working hard these days to make following changes available. Please let us know you love it or not.
- Rotate to fullscreen mode on iPhone
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 3.44.216
- Thanks for loving this app. We've been working hard these days to make following changes available. Please let us know you love it or not.
- High Quality video is now available for some videos. This feature is only available for Pro version.
- Double tap to forward / backward for 5 seconds.
- Stability improvement.
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
Tiếng Việt
Cảm ơn bạn đã yêu thích ứng dụng này. Chúng tôi đã làm việc chăm chỉ trong những ngày này để cung cấp những thay đổi sau đây. Hãy cho chúng tôi biết bạn yêu thích nó hay không.
- Video Chất lượng cao hiện có sẵn cho một số video. Tính năng này chỉ có sẵn cho phiên bản Pro.
- Nhấn đúp để tiến / lùi trong 5 giây.
- Cải thiện độ ổn định.
Nếu bạn yêu thích những cải tiến này, hãy cân nhắc mua cà phê cho chúng tôi.
Khởi động lại ứng dụng để xem các thay đổi.
- يتوفر الآن فيديو عالي الجودة لبعض مقاطع الفيديو. هذه الميزة متاحة فقط للإصدار المحترف.
- انقر نقرًا مزدوجًا للأمام / للخلف لمدة 5 ثوانٍ.
- تحسين الاستقرار.
أعد تشغيل التطبيق لمشاهدة التغييرات.
- Crashing issue is fixed. You can enjoy the app for iOS 13
- 已修復閃退問題。IOS13版本以下用戶現在可以正常運行APP。很抱歉造成您們的困擾。
Tiếng Việt
- Sự cố đã được khắc phục. Hệ thống bên dưới IOS13 có thể chạy ứng dụng của chúng tôi ngay bây giờ. Xin lỗi vì sự bất tiện này.
- تم إصلاح مشكلة الأعطال. يمكنك الاستمتاع بالتطبيق لنظام iOS 13
- Fix login issue. You can now login with Google account to watch your personalized YouTube videos. Sorry for the inconvenience.
- 修復無法登入 Google 帳號的問題。您現在可以登入 Google 帳號,以觀看個人化的推薦影片 😎
Tiếng Việt
- Khắc phục sự cố đăng nhập. Giờ đây, bạn có thể đăng nhập bằng tài khoản Google để xem các video YouTube được cá nhân hóa của mình. Xin lỗi vì sự bất tiện.
- إصلاح مشكلة تسجيل الدخول. يمكنك الآن تسجيل الدخول باستخدام حساب Google لمشاهدة مقاطع فيديو YouTube المخصصة. نأسف للإزعاج.

- It's faster to open a video page now!
- 打開影片頁面的速度變快了!
Tiếng Việt
Bây giờ nhanh hơn để mở một trang video!
من الأسرع أن تفتح صفحة فيديو الآن!
[Limited Offer] Upgrade for Free, expand to know how
- Be able to play your favorite playlist correctly. No random songs any more. Sorry for inconvenience before.
- Be able to clear all watch history.
- Update the function of forward button on toolbar. When there is no next page, forward button can be used to go to next video.
- Refresh button can now work correctly.
- 能夠正確播放您喜歡的播放列表,不會再隨機播放歌曲了,之前給您帶來的不便敬請諒解。
- 能夠清除所有的歷史紀錄。
- 更新工具列上前進 / 後退按鈕的功能。當沒有下一頁時,前進按鈕可以用來前往下一部影片。
- 重新整理按鈕現在可以正常運作了。
Tiếng Việt
- Có thể phát danh sách nhạc yêu thích của bạn một cách chính xác. Không có bài hát ngẫu nhiên nào nữa. Xin lỗi vì sự bất tiện trước đây.
- Có thể xóa tất cả lịch sử xem.
- Cập nhật chức năng của nút chuyển tiếp trên thanh công cụ. Khi không có trang tiếp theo, nút chuyển tiếp có thể được sử dụng để chuyển đến video tiếp theo.
- สามารถเล่นเพลย์ลิสต์ที่คุณชื่นชอบได้อย่างถูกต้อง ไม่มีเพลงสุ่มอีกต่อไป ขออภัยในความไม่สะดวกก่อน
- สามารถล้างประวัติการดูทั้งหมดได้
- อัปเดตฟังก์ชันของปุ่มไปข้างหน้าบนแถบเครื่องมือ เมื่อไม่มีหน้าถัดไป สามารถใช้ปุ่มไปข้างหน้าเพื่อไปยังวิดีโอถัดไปได้
- ปุ่มรีเฟรชสามารถทำงานได้อย่างถูกต้อง
- Nút làm mới hiện có thể hoạt động chính xác.
- كن قادرًا على تشغيل قائمة التشغيل المفضلة لديك بشكل صحيح. لا توجد أغانٍ عشوائية بعد الآن. آسف للإزعاج من قبل.
- كن قادرًا على محو سجل المشاهدة بالكامل.
- قم بتحديث وظيفة زر التقديم على شريط الأدوات. في حالة عدم وجود صفحة تالية ، يمكن استخدام زر الأمام للانتقال إلى الفيديو التالي.
- يمكن أن يعمل زر التحديث الآن بشكل صحيح.
- We update frequently. We may update more than once in a week. So please send us a message to enjoy a better app. 😁🙏
We are working on two known issues
- Sometimes it's slow to open a video page.
- Higher video quality.
- 您如果無法正確顯示繁體中文,請參考此篇教學,若仍無法正確顯示,請傳訊至 IG,我們將協助您處理,謝謝。
- 點此追蹤我們以獲得最新消息
- [Free for Limited Time Only 7/2 - 7/4] Please take your time to upgrade right now. The price will be 0.99 USD tomorrow. 😆
- [Miễn phí trong thời gian giới hạn chỉ từ 7/2 - 7/4] Hãy dành thời gian để nâng cấp ngay bây giờ. Giá sẽ là ** 0,99 ** USD vào ngày mai. 😆
- [限時免費 7/2 - 7/4] 請把握時間升級,明天過後將調漲至 0.99 USD。😆
- Follow us here to get latest news. https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- Support more languages including Russian, Polish, Simplified Chinese, Indonesian and Malay.
- Stability improvements.
- Fix quality selection not working issue.
- Fix issue that video can't be played.
- Fix issue that app crashed after finishing a video.
- Be able to use double tap to go forward and backward.
- Fix issue that play list is not played in correct order.

- Update stability of the app.
- It's now easier to know that you are using Pro version.

- Add more languages support for https://tubebrowserpro.com/
- Thank you for all users world wide. 😁
- Be able to persist the state of auto play. So when you restart the app, the auto play settings will remain the same.
- Be able to turn off the dialog in comment.
- Be able to show url preview in share dialog.
- Be able to persist playback speed between videos.
- Be able to display error message if video loading error occured.

- Fix version history page issue.
- Add Vietnamese support for https://tubebrowserpro.com/
- Fix issue that invite friends to upgrade not working.
- Fix play list issue. Videos in play list can now be played in correct order.
- Add version history page. So that it's easier to know the latest updates.
- Fix auto play not working issue.
Looking for blogs to introduce Tube Browser Pro
Dear users, thanks for trying out Tube Browser Pro. We are looking for blogs in every country to write articles about the app. Please provide us popular blogs in your country and we will invite you to try out the Pro version for free. Please DM us here. Thank you.
How to upgrade to Pro for free
- Please invite 3 friends. Your friend download and open the app to complete the invitation process.
- If there are more than 3 friends download and open the app, you are eligible to upgrade for free.
- Click on Upgrade for free button to upgrade.
- If you are still not able to upgrade, please follow report an issue instruction to contact us and we will handle it for you asap, thank! 🙏

Report an issue
Thanks for trying Tube Browser Pro. If there is any issue, please contact us here and we will respond asap. Thanks!
- Fix issue that v1 player is not working correctly
- 修復 v1 播放器無法正常運作的問題
- If you love these improvement, please consider buy us a coffee.
- Restart the app to see the changes.
- version number: 253
- If any issue, contact us here:
- https://www.instagram.com/thetubebrowserpro/
- tubebrowserpro@gmail.com